Here at Schoolonline, we believe in working smarter. Simply spending more time studying does not necessarily equate to better exam results. Instead, our exam revision for 11+, GCSE and SATs exams focuses on studying the right thing.
There are only so many hours in the day. How do you know what the right material is to spend your hours? How do you use your time wisely, making sure you are fully focused? After all, why waste time covering topics you are already confident in.
How to be SMART with Past Paper Exam Revision
Year after year, students turn to past exam papers to prepare themselves for their own exams. This makes sense. These are the exact questions students had to answer in previous years. Our material focuses exclusively on past papers. We have built up a huge vault of past paper questions going back to 2014.
But going back to past papers alone is not SMART. How you use them in your studying is where we come in.
SMART Revision: S-pecific
When you plan your exam revision, it is vital you are specific. Specific to the content you are going to study, and specific to which topics you find challenging. Otherwise you may waste critical time revising topics that you already know well, or aren’t going to be part of your exam.
With SchoolOnline, you can create your own learning plan SPECIFIC to the topics you find most challenging. Work through our mock papers made up of specifically those topics you have chosen.
SMART Revision: M-easureable
Our revision learning plan allows you to MEASURE your progress. Take our self-assessment test as often as you like to mark your progress. This allows you to continue to focus and refocus your efforts on just those topics you need to.
SMART Revision: A-chievable
Using our exam revision for 11+, GCSE and SATs, your exam results goals become ACHIEVABLE. After working through many past papers and marking yourself with our answers, you will have confidence in your ability to achieve the marks you need. And of course our online tuition videos are always there to explain those questions you need a little more help on.
SMART Revision: R-elevant
To make the most of your exam revision time, it’s crucial that your revision material is RELEVANT. Our questions, videos and materials are always the very latest available past papers. You can be confident you are studying topics and questions that are 100% relevant to your own exam.
SMART Revision: T-ime
We’ve touched on this before, but it is really worth repeating. Your revision time is truly precious. You need to make the absolute most of each hour you spend revising. Using our SMART revision material, you can create your own Personalised Learning Plan to truly focus your exam revision time.
For as little as £7.99 a month for a KS2 subscription or £9.99 for a GCSE subscription, sign up today.