
It has really helped my child to gain confidence, build her self esteem. Before she was lacking confidence in doing her work. But as SchoolOnline is easy to access, and easy for her to work on, she loves going on day to day doing her work on it. I've seen improvement in her reading and in her Maths.

- Ellen Otchere (Parent)

Don't take our word for it

These students were part of a trial improving their grades on average by 100.5%!

What our teachers think

Hear about why our teachers and tutors got involved with SchoolOnline and why they think it’s such a great resource for students to use at home for their English and Maths.

“Absolutely amazing. Maths content is really helping my child understand the topics with the tutorial videos providing guidance! Highly recommended.”

Rachel - Parent of Year 6

“My daughter didn’t understand ‘error intervals’ for GCSE maths. Thank goodness for your tutorial – simplified explanation and well demonstrated. A fantastic service. We will be logging into your website daily, I’m sure, as she struggles with both Maths & English.”

Parent - Year 11

“The site was incredibly helpful. The units were well organised and easy to access, and the videos were informative and well planned out. I look forward to using the site to revise for my GCSE and mocks.”

Maryam - Year 11

“I needed a 5 in Maths to get onto my college course but was heading for a 3. With the help of SchoolOnline and its visual learning, I gained confidence in many key areas and achieved the grade I needed!”

Ella - Year 11 Student

“In all honesty, SchoolOnline is one of the best educational websites I have ever used. The detailed videos paired with questions and answers make revising a breeze and enjoyable. All in all, excellent!”

Javaid A - Year 11

“The videos are of great quality done by a professional marker. The model answers are very clearly written as well. Working through the GCSE course helped to gain me a lot of marks over a few weeks.”

Edward - Year 11

“Really excellent product, purchased for my two teenage daughters to help boost them through lockdown. They have all the content you need and the videos and tuition is superb – much better than some of the virtual lessons they are currently receiving!”

Tesco Parent

“So happy I found SchoolOnline. My daughter is starting Y6 and my son Y10. Paying out for private tutors would have cost a small fortune. The videos are the closest thing to a real tutor without the massive cost, plus my children can access the platform wherever.”

Tesco Parent Year 6/10 Students

“The topic-based videos on SchoolOnline are fantastic for allowing me to set individual study time for my students, where each student can focus on the areas they have the most trouble with. It’s a great tool and I’ve been sharing it with all of my teacher friends.”

Jaxon - Year 6 Teacher

“I was really confused by a lot of maths topics before I started doing the SchoolOnline papers and tutorials. Working out areas and Pythagoras always left me stumped, but the revision tools have really helped me to understand what I’ll have to do in the exams, as well as teaching me things I didn’t know.”

Katie - Year 11 Student

“It’s helped me a lot – it’s made me improve my writing and reading.”
After 69%
Before 41%
After 89%
Before 36%

Year 5 Student

“I could see before he joined SchoolOnline that he was struggling with his English. Now he’s improved big time! He’s had one exam at the beginning and hasn’t scored much and did another exam at the end, he’s done brilliantly!”

Youcef's Dad

“I saw a really big improvement. Because before I got quite a low score, and then at the end it was high and I was proud.”
After 83%
Before 41%
After 61%
Before 46%

Year 6 Student

Independent reviews

What I wish I knew...

We interviewed people to ask what they wished they had known about exams…