Make sure you receive enough support in the time before any exam, whether they are mock exams, or the real thing, as this is usually a tense and nerve-racking period.

Revision Support

This is even more evident with the disruptions to learning that have been caused by the pandemic. The anxieties and stress felt before these exams mean it’s easy for revision and studying to go off track. To help you stay calm, try to avoid cramming and walk into the examination room with confidence!

How to get started? Try our revision support tips:

1. Plan a revision support timetable

revision support timetable

A well-planned revision support timetable will allow you to cover everything you need to know in each subject in preparation for your exams. It will also allow you to break the topics down into manageable chunks (just like we have throughout our platform).

To help you, we have put together a downloadable Study Planner.

Try not to fall into the trap of frantically cramming all of your revision for exams in just a couple of nights before. If this happens, you won’t retain or recall the information that you have studied. All that will happen is you’ll have made yourself tired and anxious ahead of the exams.

2. Organise your notes and practice past papers

  • Use the period before your exam to review your notes into bullet points and create mind maps.
  • These will allow you to consolidate the things that you already know. It can refresh your mind on key facts and help you to feel more confident with what you have already learnt.
  • Trying to re-read an entire textbook won’t work.
  • The University of Portsmouth has put together these great tips on how to build a mind map.

There is a lot of benefit in practising past papers, as this gives you an insight into how the questions are structured, what to look out for and to see whether there are any questions used more frequently throughout the past papers that you choose to practice.

3. Enlist some revision support

  • If you have study cards set up, enlist a parent or sibling to help and support you.
  • How? Get them to ask a few questions from your existing cards.
  • Simply pick a few at random and sit quietly without distractions.
  • If necessary, make a few notes of any key facts or dates that you need to refresh your memory on.

4. Get an early night

early night

  • A good night’s sleep is really essential to performing well in your exam and doing justice to all of the revision and hard work you’ve put in to get this far.
  • Set a strict deadline for closing out your revision session the night before.
  • Make sure you leave enough time for a nutritious meal, an hour or so of downtime, some light exercise and a warm bath or shower before bed.
  • Allow yourself at least eight to ten hours of sleep and get an early start (though not too early!) on the day of the exam so you have ample time for breakfast and get to school without rushing and feeling stressed.

5. Stay calm

  • Try to learn some breathing techniques or listen to mindfulness podcasts which will help you keep control of your anxieties and nerves.
  • This is another good revision support tool for your arsenal.

You’re Ready!

So now you have 5 free and easy revision support study tips to help you try and remain calm and do well in your GCSE exams! The key is to stay organised which will lead to confidence and serenity going into that exam hall. Remember if you put in those hours you will see that pay off in August 2022 when you receive your results.

If you want some extra help in your exams, but can’t afford a private tutor check out SchoolOnline. A platform that helps you turn your knowledge into exam success. Get support in your studies and practice with our library of past paper questions and expert examiner led tutorial videos. Improve your grade by up to 100.5% in a matter of weeks.