KS2 Taster Course

Day 7

Welcome to your free taster course!
Are you ready to tackle today’s lessons? We have two brilliant tutorials in English and Maths waiting for you.


Your child’s Day 7 English tutorial explores Writing to Persuade, with Alana. In our last tutorial we looked at Writing to Argue. Today your child will be exploring the differences between persuading and arguing in writing, and understanding the key functions and structures of persuasive writing.

Top tip: Remember to have a pen and paper to hand to make notes on your tutorials, especially writing down any top tips that appear in the video to help you to achieve full marks on any writing pieces you complete. 

To complete today’s English assignment, follow these 2 steps

  1. Watch the video, taking notes if necessary
  2. Take the reinforcement quiz to check your understanding

1 Writing: Writing to Persuade

2. Writing to Persuade Quiz

Take the quiz to reinforce what you have just learned and put your new English writing skill into practice.


Today in Maths, we’re focusing on Percentage Problems with Patricia. Percentages are a topic that questions are frequently asked about and will be key throughout your child’s secondary school level Maths education.

To complete the Maths assignment, just

  1. Try the question for yourself first on a blank piece of paper, then click on the image to reveal the model answer
  2. Watch the tutorial video to ensure you fully understand the solution and workings
  3. Download the workbook of additional practice questions on the same topic for further retrieval practice

Olex's Tip of the Day

Olex’s top tip for today is a useful revision method for sitting assessments: Practice sitting exam papers in a timed environment.

This can help your child get used to working under the pressure of assessment conditions, as well as learning how to manage their time effectively and taking part in Retrieval Practice, which strengthens their long term memory.

1. Try the question

First, ask your child to attempt the question below. Testing your child on a topic they have learned is critical to Retrieval Practice. Once they’ve tried the question, click on the image to see the answer.

2. Watch the tutorial

Further Practice

Now that you’ve followed the video, why not practice some more Percentage Problem questions by downloading the practice workbook on the link below.