GCSE Maths Boot Camp

Week 3

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Maths - Foundation

This week’s workbook looks at questions on the topic of Algebra as well as Factorising and Sequences.

Your top tip for today isRemember to always read the question – Twice!  You need to know what to look for in a question as well as how to answer it!

How to get started:

Try the questions on your workbook. When you’ve finished take a look at these 2 tutorial videos from our expert Maths examiner Patricia, taking you through how to score full marks on each question.

Boot Camp Foundation Workbook Week 3

Watch the first tutorial

In this video Patricia will explain how to answer the last question in the factorising section of your workbook, on Prime Factors (Q25).

Watch the second tutorial

In this video Patricia will explain how to answer the first question in the algebra and sequences section of your workbook (Q25).

Maths - Higher

This week’s workbook looks at questions on Ratio, Proportion, Rates of Change and Geometry.

Your top tip for today is – Remember to always read the question – Twice!  You need to know what to look for in a question as well as how to answer it!

How to get started

Try the questions on your workbook. When you’ve finished take a look at these 2 tutorial videos from our expert Maths examiner Patricia, taking you through how to score full marks on each question.

Boot Camp Higher Workbook Week 3

Watch the first tutorial

In this video Patricia will explain how to answer the first question in the Ratio, Proportion and Statistics section of your workbook (Q10) which looks at Compound Interest.

Watch the second tutorial

 In this video Patricia will explain how to answer the first question on the Geometry section of your workbook (Q11) which looks at Circle Geometry.