GCSE English Boot Camp

Week 2

Hello! You’ve made a great decision by signing up for our 8 Week Boot Camp.

Every week you’ll get either a bite-size tutorial from our GCSE English Language tutors focusing on a specific skill – what you need to know, and how you will need to apply it in your exam or access to one of our expert exam technique downloadable guides. So let’s get started!


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In this week’s English tutorial, Heather will be taking you through the critical Reading skill of Finding Information.

This skill is required across many exam questions and will regularly be applied in coursework. Having a really good grasp of exactly what you’re being asked to find, and how to do this, will give your Reading skills a serious boost.

How to get started: 

Watch the video tutorial on Finding Information, then take the quiz to check your understanding and see how much you have learnt!

TOP TIP: Don’t forget to grab a pen and paper and make notes while watching.

Reading: Finding Information

Test yourself now