When you think of preparing for school exams, it’s likely to be GCSEs and A levels that spring to mind. But the exams pupils sit before they start their GCSE studying are just as important. In year 9 pupils up and down the country sit their SATs and with a bit of preparation it can set them up for future success.

So, why should your child be focussing on their SATs?

  • It can develop their exam technique – It’s not just what you know when you’re taking your exams. It’s about how you approach and answer questions too. Developing a good exam technique early means that it’ll be second nature by the time you child comes to sit the exams that could shape their future.
  • Demonstrates their strengths and weaknesses – SATs are useful for indicating the areas that you child needs to work on and those where they’re most comfortable. It can help them better consider their future and understand any extra work they might need to do to reach their goals. It also gives you an opportunity to approach their teacher to discuss where extra support and tuition might be useful.
  • Builds confidence – Everyone knows the feeling of dread as you head into an exam hall. But it’s one of those things where the more you do it, the more comfortable you become. Preparing for and sitting the KS2 SATs can help build vital confidence for taking further examinations, which has a big impact on the final result.
  • Paves the way for GCSEs – How well pupils do in the KS2 SATs can affect their options when it comes to taking GCSEs. Of course, multiple other factors play a role but examination marks are still important. Preparing as well as possible for the KS2 SATs means your child will have more choices open to them the following year.
  • Set the pace for revision – Revision can be a tiresome task and one that’s hard to get into the habit of. Starting revision practice and routine now means that when it comes to GCSE revision you’ll already have an established process in place. It’s important to note that people learn in different ways, so experimenting what helps things stick in their mind now will pay off in the future.

If your child is preparing for the year nine SATs now, School Exams can help. We provide previous papers, revision notes, tutorials, and more for pupils that are getting ready to sit exams, helping them to achieve their full potential.