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Access all the powerful features of our award-winning platform. The nation’s top examiners take you through exactly how to score 100% in your KS2 English & Maths exams. Recent trials have shown that using SchoolOnline for just 1 hour a week over 6 weeks has the potential to improve grades by 76.7% on average!

What if mum and dad don't know the answers?

KS2 students who used SchoolOnline scored over 100.5% higher after just 6 weeks. SchoolOnline gives you helpful digital tuition on every KS2 topic in English and Maths, so with our pre-recorded tutorial videos, you’ll always have access to an expert’s knowledge. 

Over 470 Maths videos make tricky sums easy

KS2 Maths

Get to grips with the toughies and learn to think like a maths genius. KS2 specialists walk you through SATS past papers, so you get top marks in less time.

KS2 English

Over 300 videos created by top examiners make it easy to sit down and learn. Because the videos focus on critical skills, they give you a big head start in all your studies, getting you ready to move on to secondary school.

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