GCSE Taster Course

Day 3

Hello! You’ve made a great decision by signing up for our taster course, which will give you a daily dose of free, expert tuition in English and Maths over the next 7 days.


Today’s English tutorial is all about Identifying Key Ideas in fiction and non-fiction work. Your tutor, Heather, will discuss with you how to use structure and language to identify key ideas.

This is a key skill you will use throughout your English GCSE, and provides a great foundation to build on in developing your analytical and evaluative skills.

How to get started

Watch the video tutorial on Identifying Key Ideas, then take the quiz to check your understanding and see how much you have learnt!

Reading: Identifying Key Ideas

Reading: Identifying Key Ideas

Switch to Higher
Switch to Foundation

Maths - Foundation

Today’s Maths tutorial with Patricia is focused on Fraction Problems. Fraction questions often appear in GCSE Maths papers, in a variety of different forms.

Your Day 3 top tip Remember to revisit earlier topics and easier questions. This will help you to think about the techniques you use to answer easier questions, and how you might be able to apply these to more difficult questions or topics you feel less confident about.

How to get started:

Try the past paper question yourself before watching the tutorial video and then working through the workbook of additional practice questions.

1. Try the question

First, try the question below. Testing yourself on a topic you have covered in class is critical to Retrieval Practice. Once you’ve had a go, click on the image to see the answer

2. Watch the tutorial

Further Practice

Now that you’ve followed the video, why not practice some more Pythagorus Theorem questions by downloading the workbook below.

Maths - Higher

Today’s Maths tutorial looks at a Pythagoras Theorem problem. Your tutor, Patricia, will take you through techniques for tackling this question, helping you to feel confident with this frequently assessed topic.

Your Day 3 top tip Remember to revisit earlier topics and easier questions. This will help you to think about the techniques you use to answer easier questions, and how you might be able to apply these to more difficult questions or topics you feel less confident about.

How to get started

Try the past paper question yourself before watching the tutorial video and then working through the workbook of additional practice questions.

1. Try the question

First, try the question below. Testing yourself on a topic you have covered in class is critical to Retrieval Practice. Once you’ve had a go, click on the image to see the answer

2. Watch the tutorial

Further Practice

Now that you’ve followed the video, why not practice some more Pythagorus Theorem questions by downloading the workbook below.