New Functionality For Teachers

Our latest update makes life even easier for teachers.

We’ve taken lists to a whole new level inside our platform with the addition of a list library. Take advantage of curated lists from our expert team of teachers to quickly build assignments for your students.

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What's New?

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Fully Interactive Questions

The vast majority of questions on our platform are now fully interactive, allowing students to digitally submit their answers and either get instant feedback from the platform or highly efficient digital feedback from their teacher. 

Detailed Assignment Settings

You have full control over the assignments you set. Choose whether your students can submit late, retake the assignment, and whether they are required to submit their workings through our digital whiteboard. You can also optionally allow them to see correct answers and video tutorials after each question.

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Rich, Informative Analytics

Our platform will be able to tell you for each student how many times they logged in for an assignment, how many tutorials they watched, even what time they were doing their work. These rich data points will give you deep insight into your students’ behavioural patterns so you can spot problem areas.

Performance analytics for each student and across the classroom will allow you to see at a glance where your students’ strengths and weaknesses are.


Efficient Manual Marking

Our new platform has been optimised to auto-mark the majority of KS2 Maths questions and a large number of GCSE Maths questions, freeing up valuable teaching time for you. Not only that, but where you are required to mark (workings for example), we have developed a highly efficient workflow allowing you to mark with ease and increased efficiency, and provide digital feedback directly to your students.

Choose to mark each student’s paper one by one, or mark the same question across all students’ papers in one go. The choice is yours, with a simple toggle.

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